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Trong Minh Quang Hoang

* 2003 (22)
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Strongest win Thanh Loc Do (1957) 0-1 Trong Minh Quang Hoang (1459)
Weakest loss Jun Yi Royce Tan (1555) 1-0 Trong Minh Quang Hoang (1480)

Openings Played as White (16)

D37 - Queen's Gambit Declined
Average Elo: 2037
Result: 2/4 = 50%

D13 - Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, Exchange Variation
Average Elo: 1910
Result: 1.5/3 = 50%

C45 - Scotch Game
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0/2 = 0%

B06 - Robatsch
Average Elo: 2284
Result: 0/1 = 0%

C02 - French, Advance
Average Elo: 1947
Result: 0/1 = 0%

C55 - Two Knights Defense
Average Elo: 1949
Result: 0/1 = 0%

B80 - Sicilian, Scheveningen
Average Elo: 1908
Result: 0/1 = 0%

B25 - Sicilian, Closed
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0/1 = 0%

C41 - Philidor Defense
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0/1 = 0%

C47 - Four Knights
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0/1 = 0%

D43 - Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
Average Elo: 0
Result: 1/1 = 100%

A35 - English, Symmetrical
Average Elo: 1672
Result: 0/1 = 0%

D15 - Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0/1 = 0%

A48 - King's Indian
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0/1 = 0%

D10 - Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
Average Elo: 1942
Result: 1/1 = 100%

D21 - Queen's Gambit Accepted
Average Elo: 1916
Result: 1/1 = 100%

Openings Played as Black (20)

B84 - Sicilian, Scheveningen
Average Elo: 0
Result: 1/2 = 50%

C01 - French, Exchange
Average Elo: 1931
Result: 1/2 = 50%

D00 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0/1 = 0%

B73 - Sicilian, Dragon, Classical
Average Elo: 1963
Result: 0/1 = 0%

B76 - Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack
Average Elo: 1949
Result: 0/1 = 0%

D53 - Queen's Gambit Declined
Average Elo: 1754
Result: 0/1 = 0%

B54 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 1894
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B78 - Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack, 10.castle long
Average Elo: 0
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B23 - Sicilian, Closed
Average Elo: 0
Result: 1/1 = 100%

A31 - English, Symmetrical, Benoni Formation
Average Elo: 1894
Result: 0.5/1 = 50%

B53 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 1555
Result: 0/1 = 0%

D37 - Queen's Gambit Declined
Average Elo: 0
Result: 1/1 = 100%

B99 - Sicilian, Najdorf, 7...Be7 Main line
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0/1 = 0%

B50 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0.5/1 = 50%

D06 - Queen's Gambit Declined
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0.5/1 = 50%

C00 - French Defense
Average Elo: 1865
Result: 0/1 = 0%

C02 - French, Advance
Average Elo: 0
Result: 0.5/1 = 50%

D58 - Queen's Gambit Declined, Tartakower (Makagonov-Bondarevsky) System
Average Elo: 1950
Result: 1/1 = 100%

C05 - French, Tarrasch
Average Elo: 1957
Result: 1/1 = 100%

C06 - French, Tarrasch
Average Elo: 1976
Result: 0.5/1 = 50%

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1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nf3 Be7 5.Bf4 0-0 6.e3 Nbd7 7.Bd3 dxc4 8.Bxc4 c5 9.dxc5 Bxc5 10.0-0 Qe7 11.Qb3 a6 12.a4 b6 13.Rfd1 Bb7 14.Be2 Nd5 15.Bg3 Nxc3 16.Qxc3 Rac8 17.Ne5 Rfd8 18.Nxd7 Rxd7 19.Rxd7 Qxd7 20.Qd3 Qe8 21.b3 Rd8 22.Qc2 Rd7 23.Rd1 Qd8 24.Rxd7 Qxd7 25.Qd3 Qxd3 26.Bxd3 Kf8 27.Bc4 Ke7 28.Be5 f6 29.Bd4 Bxd4 30.exd4 Kd6 31.f4 e5 32.dxe5+ fxe5 33.g3 exf4 34.gxf4 Bd5 35.Bxa6 Bxb3 36.Bb5 Kc5 37.Kf2 Kb4 38.Kg3 Bxa4 39.Bd3 h6 40.Kg4 Kc3 41.Bf1 b5 42.Bxb5 Bxb5 43.h4 Kd4 44.Kh5 Be8+ 45.Kg4 Ke4 46.f5 Ke5 0–1
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Hoang,T1459Yu,K20370–12015D37World School-ch U13 11th1
Ngo,D1696Hoang,T14591–02014C11VIE-ch U119
Le,N1976Hoang,T1459½–½2014C06VIE-ch U117
Hoang,T1459Tran,H19101–02014D13VIE-ch U116
Do,T1957Hoang,T14590–12014C05VIE-ch U115
Hoang,T1459Duong,N19161–02014D21VIE-ch U114
Dang,A1931Hoang,T14591–02014C01VIE-ch U113
Hoang,T1459Le,P19421–02014D10VIE-ch U112
Nguyen,N1950Hoang,T14590–12014D58VIE-ch U111
Hoang,T1461Galac,L-1–02013D37Wch U1011
Beauduin,K-Hoang,T14610–12013C01Wch U1010
Hoang,T1461Lkhagvasanj,B-0–12013A48Wch U109
Deng,T-Hoang,T1461½–½2013C02Wch U108
Hoang,T1461Kruckenhauser,A-½–½2013D37Wch U107
Gong,D1865Hoang,T14611–02013C00Wch U106
Hoang,T1461Paul,J-0–12013D13Wch U103
Suvorov,L-Hoang,T1461½–½2013D06Wch U102
Hoang,T1461Surya,B-½–½2013D13Wch U101
Xie,Z-Hoang,T1480½–½2013B50ASEAN-ch U10 14th9
Hoang,T1480Quizon,D-0–12013D15ASEAN-ch U10 14th8
Yip,Y-Hoang,T14801–02013B99ASEAN-ch U10 14th7
Hoang,T1480Pheephacharakan,P16720–12013A35ASEAN-ch U10 14th6
Hoang,T1480Le,A-½–½2013D37ASEAN-ch U10 14th4
Nguyen,P-Hoang,T14800–12013D37ASEAN-ch U10 14th5
Hoang,T1480Bayasgalan,M-1–02013D43ASEAN-ch U10 14th2
Tan,J1555Hoang,T14801–02013B53ASEAN-ch U10 14th3
Nguyen,T1894Hoang,T1480½–½2013A31ASEAN-ch U10 14th1
Hoang,T1508Huynh,A-0–12012C47ASEAN-ch U10 13th9
Hoang,T1508Tan,J-0–12012B25ASEAN-ch U10 13th8
Nguyen,T1894Hoang,T15080–12012B54ASEAN-ch U10 13th7
Dang,H-Hoang,T1508½–½2012B84ASEAN-ch U10 13th6
Hoang,T1508Nguyen,M-0–12012C45ASEAN-ch U10 13th5
Le,N-Hoang,T15080–12012B23ASEAN-ch U10 13th4
Hoang,T1508Saleh,F-0–12012C41ASEAN-ch U10 13th3
Phan,N-Hoang,T1508½–½2012B84ASEAN-ch U10 13th2
Hoang,T1508Luu,H-0–12012C45ASEAN-ch U10 13th1
Hoang,T-Tran,Q22840–12010B06Ho Chi Minh Maika-A 059
Hoang,M-Hoang,T-0–12010B78Ho Chi Minh Maika-A 058
Nguyen,M1949Hoang,T-1–02010B76Ho Chi Minh Maika-A 057
Hoang,T-Vuong,T19080–12010B80Ho Chi Minh Maika-A 056
Dinh,P-Hoang,T-1–02010D00Ho Chi Minh Maika-A 055
Hoang,T-Nguyen,T19490–12010C55Ho Chi Minh Maika-A 054
Ngo,Q1754Hoang,T-1–02010D53Ho Chi Minh Maika-A 053
Hoang,T-Nguyen,C19470–12010C02Ho Chi Minh Maika-A 052
Le,M1963Hoang,T-1–02010B73Ho Chi Minh Maika-A 051